Netsuite Reconcile Multiple Bills using Saved CSV Import

Morris S
3 min readNov 9, 2020

The issues:

  1. when creating payment and applying bills NetSuite has a sub record limitation it only shows 10000 bills.
  2. On the payment sub record you can only filter and search for one bill but you can’t search multiple bills to apply
  3. It very hard to keep track how much to apply to each bills when having difficult financial payment terms


Use a saved CSV import with multi file upload, the primary file should have the bill credit internalid, the linked file should have a list of bills and the bill credit internalids.

  1. Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records
  2. Import Type = Transactions, Record Type = Vendor Customer Payment, CSV Files = Multiple files to Upload

3. Primary File-Vendor Customer Payment = yourprimaryfile.CSV

4. Linked File (Optional) — Vendor Customer Payment Bills = yourlinkedfile.csv

5. Import Options = Add

6. File Mapping - Primary = vendorCreditID, linked file = vendorCreditID

7. Map the primary and the linked CSV fields (P.S. map the primary CSV field vendorCreditID to Vendor Customer Payment : ExternalId, make sure to include the column vendorCreditID is on the linked file even if were not mapping it).

8. Next > Save & Run


Or you can use a Restlet to Import CSV Records:

var mappingId = 'custimport_apply_credit_to_bills'; //the Saved CSV import idvar fileIdPrimary = 543320; //file internal id in the file cabinetvar fileIdLinkedSublistName = 'apply';var fileIdLinked = 543321;//file internal id in the file cabinet//load primary filevar CSVFilePrimary = file.load({id: fileIdPrimary});//load linked filesvar CSVFileLinked = file.load({id: fileIdLinked});var scriptTask = task.create({taskType: task.TaskType.CSV_IMPORT});scriptTask.mappingId = mappingId;scriptTask.importFile = CSVFilePrimary;scriptTask.linkedFiles = { 'apply': CSVFileLinked };var csvImportTaskId = scriptTask.submit();

Hope this help, thank you for reading!



Morris S
Morris S

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